Friday, March 5, 2010

The Woman I'm Kind of Dating

No, I have not started playing for the other team, I still very much prefer the peen. It just so happens that coffee guy acts like more of a woman in relationships than I do, hence his new nickname...The Woman! Anyway, on to the story, also known as date numero 11 for me. So after the whole premature "will you be my girlfriend?" fiasco he came over to watch a movie. It was going fine until the movie ended and he said we needed to have "a talk about us." Seriously, on the 4th date? Basic gist of the conversation, he went on another date but thought of me the whole time and wants to be more serious, I told him I was really busy right now (not a lie) and it didn't seem like a good time for me to jump into anything. Is it bad to not like someone because they like you too much? It sounds weird but honestly I think I need someone way less intense right now.

1 comment:

  1. no that isn't weird ... you probably find his intense attraction to you/drive to be with you a bit off putting this early, totally understandable. but you did the right thing by telling him you are too busy right now. if you like him, keep doing what you're doing, casual dating. but if you dread it and worry about him being too needy/clingy, then i say dump the lady-dude.
