Monday, March 22, 2010

Lessons, Happiness, Etc.

Aaaahh, I know I've probably been the least consistant with updating about dates and whatnot, so here it goes:

I've learned a valuable lesson with the whole online dating thing: never...NEVER date a writer. There was this guy who started e-mailing me, and he was incredibly charming. Very funny, seemed really articulate, the works. And he told me he was a sports writer (specifically hockey, so I thought you ladies would approve) for some local colleges. I decided to just go for it. HOLY AWKWARD DATE, BATMAN! Dinner took a little over an hour, and I couldn't get my ass out of that restaurant fast enough. First of all, he chose the restaurant, telling me how he hung out there a lot and whatnot...and all he did was complain about how loud and crowded it was. Hello? If you go there all the time, you know the atmosphere. Ugh. And it's not that he was just awkward to talk to...his mannerisms bugged the crap out of me. Lots of unfunny sarcasm (followed by dramatic eye rolls), inappropriate first date stories (I really don't care how much pot he used to smoke), and...drumroll please...he spent a good 10 minutes showing me pictures and videos of his cat. Oh wait, no...his roommate's cat. Gross. Does anyone else watch How I Met Your Mother? I wanted to Lemon Law him.

But on a happy note, I went on more dates with bowling guy. Dinner and board games was date 4, and we went to a movie and split a GIANT cookie on date 5. That's when I finally got my smooch, so I was a happy camper. After that, we finally crossed into hanging out at each other's houses Then I went on vacation for a little over a week, and we talked (mostly texts but a few phone calls too) every day when I was gone. We spent most of yesterday together, which was awesome. Which leads me to ask...

How does this competition thing work if you get a boyfriend out of the deal? :)


  1. we go by if you see him a lot you have a good chance of winning!!! :) Count 3 months from when you signed up and any date you go on in that time counts to your total (you see, I am totally ok with you winning because that would still cause all the other girls to come visit us).

    p.s. YAY for you!!!

  2. If there was a GIANT cookie involved, you already win.
