there are 2 traps, listen up:
trap 1: girl falls for guy who isn't that into her. she falls before seeing reality; MOST of the IDEA of the thing is made up in her head by thinking/lusting about him, little/no basis in realty.
trap 2: girl decides to fall for attention given by guy who she is originally only slightly into/physically/sexually attracted to; she falls for the attention he gives her, loves the attention, in time, she translates to liking/loving him; this is the definition of settling. even if he is pretty great.
Does one represent ZenFish, (real life)? The other apw, (real life)?
I don't know.
I'm just worried I'm going to 1. get myself trapped (by agreeing to being exclusive with apw, in the event that that could be a pending question) or 2. lose something potentially great by either answering yes or no (to apw, with apw) or 3. never know the potential greatness of something for lack of effort/strength/insight/instinct (with all the fish in the sea and ZenFish in particular).
Only problem is you never know what's going to happen until you try. There's no way to figure out the future before it happens to make sure you don't get hurt. So you just gotta do what feels right.