Wednesday, February 3, 2010


So, I'm back ... sorry for the lack of posts recently, I was out of the country and thus, out of the online dating loop. I wish we included something on here for a makeout competition ... and opened it up to non online boys. I met the CUTEST British doctor on vacation and let me just say, his bottom teeth were a tiiinnnyyy bit crooked but that didn't detract from his makeout skills in the least.

Anyway, online dating. I feel like I've fallen into a rut already. I keep getting "noticed" by gross, nasty, DISGUSTING guys, which I obviously reject. I'm still emailing with 5 guys who have yet to suggest meeting face-to-face, which I'm okay with because the first date experience, the few days leading up to it and the few days after, are tiring ... stressing about what to wear, where to go, the usual barrage of questions like a strange interview. then, if the date goes well, I'm left wondering if he had a good time and if he'll call me again. Ugh. I need something big to happen to re-spark my interest in this competition.

The Engineer texted me while I was out of town, which was cute. I almost felt a tiny tummy flop when I read his first text. Last night we talked on the phone for a half hour. Sadly, the conversation wasn't exactly enthralling. We have plans to hang out this weekend. Date #2.

Ironically, I'm still being strongly pursued by Clammy Hands and he actually called me as I'm typing this. I didn't answer, he left a voicemail. For the sake of the competition I'm considering a second date, but at the same time I don't feel like being groped again or fighting off unwanted advances. Dilemma. Any thoughts and opinions ladies?

On the topic of guys, a friend of mine is coming into town from Chi for the weekend. We had a little fling before graduation last spring but that was it. We dirty text on a fairly regular basis but haven't seen each other since May. I'm action starved, that vacay makeout was not enough to ... fill me up, if you will. My question is, do I or don't I with the friend? Obvi I can't count this as part of the competition, but why not have some fun on the side, right?


  1. Clearly, you should follow in my footsteps and go for it. Why not? As long as you have the same expectations and don't set yourself up to get hurt (and are safe!) then why not? I see nothing wrong with it. Unless it's tomorrow night when I want you to come hang out with me instead.

  2. Go on every date possible. This is a competition and winning is WAY better than losing (and come on, we all want our favorite "street cone criminal" to come visit us in Michigan!)

  3. I say DO IT! Lo and D have instituted a secondary competition of counting date with "real" guys (aka not website ones). So you can add him to that list.

