Saturday, February 6, 2010

Coffee and Conversation

I'm going to try and Kill multiple birds with one stone here in this post. We'll see how it goes.

First Bird: I agree with you Ms. Chemistry, the excitement and appeal of this experiment has dwindled a little. However, I have something that will put all the excitement back into it...I HAVE A DATE WITH A FIRE FIGHTER!!!! Well maybe that just puts the excitement back into it for me, but if you stick with it, you too could have a date with a fire fighter! I mean a part from finding Mr. Right, I think a fireman is like the second best motivation.

Second Bird: Ok, this is going to come off sounding bad, and I promise I am not turning into one of these girls, but...I just don't have time for all these guys!!! I mean my schedule is busy enough, not to mention trying to fit in dates with multiple people. It's hard enough to schedule first dates with new people, but then if someone wants a second date...well it's just hard. Sometimes I just want "me" time. Ok, I just needed to rant a little. I'm not done with my "too many boys like me" rant. Which by the way, is a rant I've never had the privilege of doing until now.

Third Bird: If nothing else comes from this whole experiment (well apart from me winning and you all coming to visit me), it has given me a whole new outlook on dating. Before doing this I was terrified of dating, I know crazy right! But seriously, if someone asked me out I would basically start hyperventilating. And then I would come up with a list of things wrong with them and convince myself it would never work just so I wouldn't have to try. I was still in the "secret crush" phase of life where you like a guy, but he can't know because he might not like you back ( come to think of it, that probably explains my dating dry spell). This was the mentality I started this whole thing with. The first time I got the dreaded "Thanks, but..." response I thought I was going to die. If I hadn't just shelled out the big bucks for the 3 month membership I probably would've quit right there. Pathetic I know, but at least my stingy-ness kept me going. But after I realized that I had never even met this guy and he was probably a douche anyway (obviously since he didn't want to date me) my whole dating attitude changed. I went on a "winking" spree and decided that I had 3 months, I might as well have some fun. I mean what's the worse that happens, you find a friend? you get a good story? Dating doesn't have to be about finding "The One" and you shouldn't feel bad if someone isn't interested because there's plenty more where he came from. I've officially jumped on D and Lo's "Eggs in the Basket" bandwagon. I have upgraded from a middle school relationship maturity to maybe high school, early college. Lot's of progress for a month and half if you ask me! Who knows, by the end of all this I might have actually caught up to my age.

Last Bird: I have another date to report number 5! I don't have a clever (or not so clever) name for this one so we'll just call him date 5. I very much enjoyed this date. He was very up front saying he like the "friends first" approach so that might have taken some of the awkwardness away. Anyway, we meet for coffee (hot cider if you are me) and talked for a couple hours. We didn't have as much in common as I had thought we would, but I still very much enjoyed the conversation. There was an abundance of sarcasm and poking fun at each other, which as you all can probably guess are big turn-ons for me. We ended the date with a hug because he had to go let his dog out (dog is another plus). I don't know what will happen, but I definitely would like to see him again. Date 5 is a success.

1 comment:

  1. Take it easy. ME time is VERY important, especially for YOU. You should just go ahead and cancel EVERY date from here on out.

    P.S. Michigan is beautiful in the spring ; )
